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What is an ultrasound?


The ultrasound is a safe, painless test that helps to diagnose numerous medical conditions. There is no radiation involved. Instead, a technique that uses sound waves produces images of the body’s soft tissues or organs. During the exam, a transducer is allocated on the area that is being tested. Following, the transducer reconstructs the echoes that have been created from the organs and tissues, and converts them into an image.


Why is this exam done?


The ultrasound can be used for examining specific parts of the patient’s body. It plays a major role in pre-natal care and obstetrics, as well as providing for information in gallbladder, breast ,thyroid gynecological profiles, and diagnosis of carotid artery and vascular disease.


Preparing for your Exam


  • You should wear comfortable clothing the day of your exam. You may be asked to change into a hospital gown.

  • You will be asked to remove any jewelry or clothing from the part of the body that is being tested. This will insure that there is no interference in the image quality.

  • Pelvic, Obstetric, Urinary, Bladder: Have a full bladder; drink at least 5 cups of water.

  • Liver, Right Upper Quadrant, Abdomen, Gallbladder: Fast for at least 4-6 hours prior to exam.  You can have necessary medications with a small sip of water.

  • Transvaginal: Bladder must be empty.


During the Exam


The technologist will position you as needed and will explain to you the procedure completely. Warm gel will be applied to the skin before the exam to ensure a secure contact. This removes any air pockets between the transducer and the patient’s body. The transducer will be moved over the area being examined. After quality images have been taken, the gel will be wiped off your skin and you will be escorted out of the room. Overall, the exam will take twenty to thirty minutes to complete.



A radiologist will interpret your results and send them to your primary care, or referring physician.

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Phone: (832) 321-3434

Fax: (832) 321-5031

Monday-Thursday: 8:00-5:00 Friday: 8:00-4:00

601 Park Grove Dr, Katy, TX 77450, USA


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